1 dec 2021


Voor onze Nederlandse site ga naar www.rabtenjigmeling.nl 
Weekend course 23-24 November 2024
see posting below for more information
Dear Expats in the Hague and vicinity,
   Rabten Jigme Ling also offers programmes in English:

- Mindfulness meditation: every Monday from 7 -  8.15 p.m.
- Buddhist philosophy courses: For list of topics and dates, scroll down 

16 mrt 2019

WEEKEND COURSE 23 - 24 November 2024

The importance of the practice of PATIENCE 
We are happy to invite Venerable Changchub Phüntsog (Markus), senior monk at Rabten Choeling (see www.rabten.eu), to share his knowledge and compassion with us.
time: 10.00 - 12.00 and 14.30 - 17.00 hrs (both days)
voluntary donation: € 30,- (or less according to your means)
Language:  English and Dutch
For more information and flyer contact us here.

15 mrt 2019

Mindfulness Meditation

On Monday's, 19.00 - 20.15 hrs. 
In these sessions we practice our mind to be clearly aware of the present reality, first of ourselves, but also of our surroundings. This meditation purifies our thoughts and actions.         

Buddhist Philosophy Courses (8) in English

Each course comes in 6 sessions ,
every second Sunday from 18.30 - 20.15 hrs.

The following courses are given regularly. Please, check other postings or mail us for presently programmed courses.
Course I: this course explains the basic state of our existence, its suffering nature and the cause of it.
Course II: The Ultimate Nature of the phenomena or Emptiness; the Wisdom aspect of the Buddhist teaching.
Course III: The Bodhisattva Path; the path to Enlightenment for the sake of all beings.
Course IV: Practical Meditations on the Path.
Course V: Mind and its Functions. 
                 - Course V-1:on how the mind knows.
                 - Course V-2: on the 51 Mental Factors.
                 - Course V-3: combination between 1 and 2
                 - Course V-4: introductory course
Course VI: The Three Principles of the Path: Renunciation, Bodhicitta, Wisdom.
Course VII: The Ultimate Wisdom: we focus on the 3rd Principle of the Path - the View on the deeper reality of all phenomena. This Wisdom is the key to the liberation from the fundamental ignorance that keeps us bound to the cyclic existence - or samsara, a kind of existence that is permeated by limitation and dissatisfaction.
Course VIII: A Bodhisattva is someone who strives for Full Enlightenment in order to liberate all beings from the state of suffering and to bring them to the state of Enlightenment. The qualities of such a practitioner can only be obtained by the development of true Wisdom and devoted practice to abandon any selfcherishing for a very long time.
Fee: € 50,- 
Info and registration: info@rabtenjigmeling.nl
                                Tel.: 070-3800 273
                                Mob.:06-387 57 116;

1 mrt 2019

Dharma Salon

The Dharma Salon convenes every 2nd month, Sunday evenings, at 18.00. It usually lasts 2 to 3 hours. At the moment, no DS meetings are planned.

Participants can bring in topics for discussion, directly related to the buddhist teaching or general questions of life - personal or societal.

Contact us for participation and for dates: info@rabtenjigmeling.nl

1 jan 2015

Address and Contact

Stationsweg 98, Den Haag. 
E: info@rabtenjigmeling.nl 
T: 070-3800273
If you wish to suppport us with a donation: Bank account # is: NL30 ASNB 88.04.657.642 
Stg. MAid, Den Haag. [Your gift is deductible for income tax]


25 dec 2008

Books and recordings for sale

The following publications are for sale
to order write to info@rabtenjigmeling.nl
1. Life of a Tibetan Monk (biography of Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) - € 35,-
2. Treasury of Dharma (3 weeks' course by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche in 1974) - € 33,50
3. The Mind and its Functions (by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) - € 22,-
4. Practical Meditation (by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) - € 13,50
5. Essential Nectar - Meditations on the Buddhist Path (by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche) - € 16,-

(postage will be added if sent)

Recordings of the weekendcourses by the Venerable Gonsar Rinpoche (English/Dutch) 
Per weekend - € 6,- . Will be sent electronically.

1 nov 2008


www.rabten.eu  - Rabten Choeling, Switzerland

www.rabtenjigmeling.nl - Dutch website of Rabten Jigme Ling